In this thought-provoking book, John Lincoln explores the science behind Carbon Dioxide and its impact on the Earth’s climate. With compelling prook, Lincoln and a growing number of scientists proves false commonly held belief that the percentage of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere significantly contributes to global warming.
The book delves into the science behind the natural process of limestone formation in the ocean and how it contributes to the Earth’s climate by removal of all carbon dioxide each year. Lincoln also provides insight into the science of Greenland Ice Cores, which have been preserved for over 400,000 years. These ice cores reveal the Earth’s temperature history and demonstrate that the planet has undergone cycles of warming and cooling that are not remotely related to Carbon Dioxide content.
Overall, this book offers a unique and compelling perspective on the science of Carbon Dioxide and its role in the Earth’s climate. It challenges conventional ignorance and sheds light on the corrupt political motivations that drive most environmental policies.
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